• Egypt

The EcoXchange programme is setting a new benchmark for the term "innovation". The team at the WOT-IF? Trust has come up with a methodology that supports aspiring entrepreneurs, protects the dignity of participants and addresses the plastic polution problem in the Diepsloot area. The EcoBricks used as currency at the EcoXchange has grown in such popularity, it is now providing the building material (either directly or indirectly) for a school built by another FGO in the area.

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How do we retain our Donors?

Posted by Breggie Hoffman on 13 August 2022, 18:05 SAST
Breggie Hoffman photo

It’s the age-old question asked by development professionals everywhere. Your donor retention strategy, getting donors to give again, can be the make or break or your organisation. The confusion persists because frankly, nonprofits still struggle to keep donor retention rates high. By some accounts, only 43% of donors give again the following year. The retention rate for first-time donors plummets even further, to 27 percent.

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Le Capital Social et Plus

Posted by BYELONGO ELISEE ISHELOKE on 22 July 2022, 21:50 SAST

Avez-vous un problème de durabilité dans les affaires? Le capital social serait la solution

Dans le contexte des affaires, on entend toujours que pour commencer un business, il faut avoir un capital. Il faut épargner un peu d’argent pour se lancer. Comme entrepreneur, il est nécessaire de mettre suffisamment d’argent de côté pour enregistrer l’entreprise, l’installer et effectuer des opérations. C’est vraiment important!


Mais savez-vous que vous devez  posséder plus qu’un simple capital financier? L’argent est un bon serviteur mais un mauvais maitre dit-on.

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