Happy Independence Day, Namibia!

Posted by khethiwe qotyana on 20 March 2018, 13:05 SAST
khethiwe qotyana photo

Namibia has celebrated 24 years of independence since 21 March 1990. This day doesn't only signify the fact that we are free from slavery or that the war has ended or has been won, but it shows how Namibia has emerged from what was once barren, poverty-stricken, enslaved, exposed (in terms of resources), degraded and misused as if it were some sort of useless item to a resource-rich, opportunity-filled, talented, passionate nation filled with vibrant people.

We used to view this day as a day to celebrate the fact that Namibia has finally won the war against oppression but unfortunately, this day like many others is now used as an excuse to binge drink. Many have forgotten the hardships they had to go through in order to attain independence, yet many still value that day and will never forget. 

Many argue that it is us the 'born-frees', a term loosely used to describe the children who were born after independence, that don't value the importance of our liberation struggle but maybe repeating videos and the same songs all over again isn't appealing to us. We appreciate the attempt of the movie 'Internal Struggle for Namibia's Independence:1985-1989', but perhaps if we could have more on the advertising of this day perhaps we would listen. Perhaps if we stop accusing our generation of not listening, we would actually listen.

I would also like to take this moment to tell my fellow children of this land. We might have found the war over in this country when we were born, but that isn't an excuse for us to destroy it. Let us appreciate our freedom fighters, those who are alive and those who have fallen. Let us take this moment and admire the brave work they've done as they have died in the line of duty to save us and bring us where we are now. 

Enough with this political talk of how our Namibian government or how our ministers aren't doing enough. They did their part by freeing this country. Why don't you do your part and study so you can put into practice what you so freely preach? Happy Independence Day, Namibia!


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