TLC Village

  • +27 11 948 7917

The science of trauma is changing our understanding of how to design community-based programs and systems that best help the people they are supposed to serve.  We spoke with experts in the field to identify the key concepts that could radically boost child-serving programs’ outcomes and reshape grantmakers’ funding decisions.

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ACEs and why they matter

Posted by Breggie Hoffman on 30 May 2022, 12:25 SAST
Breggie Hoffman photo

Authored by Joanna Jones, the Child and Youth Care Centre Manager at TLC Village.

The relatively modern scientific studies of neurodevelopment only began taking shape in the 1950’s when in 1951, John   Bowlby (a British psychoanalyst) published his Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis.1

In recent years the field of neurodevelopment and the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the developing brain has exploded. It is critical that those caring for (and responsible for) “children from hard places”, in any capacity, are educated in the implications of this research in order to attempt to mitigate the effect of these experiences on the development and future outcomes for our children.

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