Communities are without a doubt becoming more and more critical to business, to civil society and non-government organisations, and to government. For the past few years, we’ve curated content and written prolifically about collaboration. A few months ago I decided on a reboot as collaboration is a strong outcome of shared-purpose communities and it seemed prudent to, in some ways rewind to the basics and in other ways fast forward to how communities are built, nurtured, measured and sustained.

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Lego had helped kids build cool stuff since the 1930s but they may not have built their firewalls quite as well as their product. In 2005 their software tool, the Lego Factory, got hacked by some tech-savvy LEGO enthusiasts.

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How should civil society and other interested stakeholders engage with the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, if at all? What should be the form and content of that engagement?
The first regional economic partnership agreement (EPA) in Africa came into effect in February 2018, between the European Union and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), after years of negotiations and in the face of anti-EPA campaigning by SADC civil society since the 2000s.
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